Randy Cherry

Minister of Music

The Lord commands us to worship him through music! If you have a desire to serve Him through music, please don’t hesitate to come see me. Whether you sing or play an instrument, it’s my desire to help you find a place to use that passion and talent to glorify the King of Kings. I am excited to worship with you this Sunday!

Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise! 

Psalm 100:4

Interested in Serving in the Worship Ministry?

Here's how you can plug in and volunteer:

Worship Choir

Love to worship the Lord through singing? Join the Worship Choir for rehearsals on Wednesday Nights at 6:00pm to get involved!

Orchestra & Praise Band

Do you play an instrument and want to use your talents to worship the Lord? Come be a part of the Shoal Creek Orchestra or Praise Band! Reach out to Randy Cherry at randy.cherry@shoalcreekchurch.org to let us know what instrument you play and learn how to get involved! 

Media Team

Lights, Camera, Action! From words on the screen to mixing live sound or working a camera, it takes a lot of people behind the scenes to pull off a worship service. If you have experience in any of these areas and are interested in serving, contact Randy Cherry at randy.cherry@shoalcreekchurch.org to get involved!